Imobiliaria Miami
Decoplage Apt # 1136
Listado Como Foreclosure
Preço: US$535,000  
Preço / m2 US$10,700
Preço Condomínio: US$671
Área: 50 m2
Dormitórios 0 e 1 / 0 Banheiros
Endereço: 100 Lincoln Rd # 1136
Bairro: South Beach (SoBe)
Construido em: 1965
MLS # A11715087

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Decoplage descrição do condomínio Decoplage descrição do condomínio
Beautiful ocean views from a great income producing studio. The property is located in the well-known Decoplage. The building is located on the corner of Lincoln Road and Collins. The breathtaking ocean views include South Point and Ocean Drive. You can sit on your balcony and enjoy the Cruises departures. The property is currently rented for January for $7000 and February $6500. March is still being negotiated for $8000. Assessments have been fully paid by the seller

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Decoplage Localização Decoplage Localização
Decoplage Plano Decoplage Plano


© Data Source Copyright: Copyright Southeast Florida Multiple Listing Service and Listing provided by Morgan Whitney Realty Inc - Information updated on

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