Imobiliaria Miami
400 Sunny Isles Apt # 1115
Listado Como Ativo
Aluguel Preço: US$7,450 6.3% Price Drop
Preço / m2 US$47
Área: 157 m2
Dormitórios 3 e 3 / 0 Banheiros
Endereço: 400 Sunny Isles Blvd # 1115
Bairro: Sunny Isles Beach
Construido em: 2015
MLS # A11621159

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400 Sunny Isles descrição do condomínio 400 Sunny Isles descrição do condomínio

Trabalhos com contrato minimo de aluguel de 6 a 12 meses. Alguns aptos podem estar disponíveis para aluguel de temporada.

Beautiful decorated and furnished corner 3/3 with flow thru floorplan. Corner units have North and South views of the Intracoastal and West Views of the park. Unobstructed views!!! This building is in a great location, minutes to Bal Harbour Shops and Aventura Mall. Amazing shopping and restaurant options. Just one block walk to the beach. The building offers sauna, massage room, amazing pool and spas, tennis court, community room and fitness center. Rent includes a storage cage inside the building. This is a must see.

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400 Sunny Isles Localização 400 Sunny Isles Localização
400 Sunny Isles Plano 400 Sunny Isles Plano


© Data Source Copyright: Copyright Southeast Florida Multiple Listing Service and Listing provided by SE Florida Realty, LLC - Information updated on

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